Primary Blog/Motherhood/Fibroids in Pregnancy

Fibroids in Pregnancy

Maryrose Oparaocha

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids have become a common term in modern medicine among black women, and fibroids as a medical issue have become quite popular in women's health. Fibroids, though present, weren't so well known, but thanks to technology, scanning techniques, and general health awareness, fibroids are increasingly becoming popular and diagnosed in women. In simple terms, a fibroid is a benign tumor of the uterus composed of uterine muscle cells. Benign means "good nature," and so it's not cancerous.

Not a Racial Thing

Some people might say fibroid is a racial thing, probably because it seems to be more common amongst African women compared to caucasian women or women of other races. Still, honestly, no one knows the reason for this. This means that though fibroids are present in women of every race, they seem to have more prevalence in black women. There have, however, been some speculations of some relationship between the African race and excessive estrogen production, which is the hormone that drives fibroid growth.

Possible Causes

Now, you have to understand that no one knows the causes of fibroids absolutely no one. However, there are some things that medical professionals like to call risk factors that can promote the growth of fibroids. Some of these risk factors include: Advanced maternal age, nulliparity(i.e., a woman who has never been pregnant), African race, and excessive meat consumption, which increases the concentration of
​estrogen in the body. This is because research has found red meat to contain substantial amounts of estrogen, the hormone that propels fibroid growth.

Links to Infertility

Some cases of fibroids have been linked to infertility either by blocking the fallopian tubes or by preventing implantation of the embryo and other times causing miscarriages by competing with the developing fetus for nutrients. Some other cases of fibroids coexist with pregnancy. This means a woman can carry her pregnancy to full term amid fibroids, but this is never an easy ride. Fibroids in pregnancy can be pretty challenging, especially as regards the symptoms it presents, one of which is the excruciating pain known as red degeneration in medical terms.

My Story of Fibroids in Pregnancy

This was me two and a half years ago, dealing with my pregnancy bump and the severe pain from the coexisting fibroids. The pain first starts as a sharp abdominal pain and then travels downwards. The worst part is I could not use any strong painkillers because of their negative side effects on the fetus, so I could only take paracetamol (our popular acetaminophen), and this provided mild relief for me. You should, however, consult with your physician on the best pain relief for you once you start experiencing the symptoms. Another symptom of pregnancy with coexisting fibroids is constipation, but this can easily be relieved by using a mild laxative and eating lots of fruits, water, and fiber-rich foods such as cruciferous vegetables and cereals.

Hope in Pregnancy

Being pregnant with coexisting fibroids can be challenging and sometimes depressing due to your fluctuating mood changes because you have all these emotions raging inside of you, plus the anxiety you experience concerning the pregnancy, and you can't control them, but trust me, you will be fine. I and my beautiful baby boy with the shortest labor and zero complications. My son weighed 3.5kg at birth, and we were discharged after 24 hours from the hospital. So yeah, fibroids in pregnancy can be tough, crazy, and every other word you can think of, but you got this, mummy. Trust yourself, trust your body, trust your little one, trust your guts, and above all, trust God.

​Please note that all advice and information in this article and throughout this online magazine shouldn't be taken as medical advice or replace your medical care. If you are concerned about your health or have health issues, please consult a medically trained professional.


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