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To Embark on a Journey of Becoming a Titus 2 Mother (TIT 2)

When Paul wrote this letter to Titus, he spoke of older, wiser women who were mature in faith being enlisted to help and guide the younger women.

If you are a mother to a daughter then she looks to you. We, though not these wise old women, as Paul describes, are in fact role models and therefore I stress to you that we must be diligent and see the effects we are having on our daughters (EZE 16:44) and help them by Becoming a Titus 2 Mother; taking on all the necessary attributes of the Titus 2 Woman now! as mothers rather than waiting for life to grow and change us over time.


We can take action steps today to be intentional. To end bad cycles of behavior that have been handed down through the generations before us. We can arm and equip our daughters with the strength and courage to stand steadfast in faith and their identity.

We must be in the world without becoming part of it. We must rally against ungodly notions and rhetoric;

  • that has women shouting 'my body, my choice' in order to kill the unborn.

  • that has women murmuring and disputing (PHI 2:14) without discretion in a bid to be relatable.


Women have been handed a megaphone and they're wielding their weapon against the men and what they see as burdensome. These women are focused on being 'happy' without the understanding that it isn't found in things or a person, lasting happiness is actually joy, and joy is found in purpose, and contentment; Knowing we are saved (EPH 2:8-9), knowing we are loved, knowing that we are enough.

Becoming a Titus 2 Mother isn't about perfection and it certainly isn't written to be a strict rule book but rather a guide through the bible to discern what makes a godly Christian woman and how we might become one (TIM 2:15).


“A great resource to learn more about the value of parenthood, motherhood specifically, is this book ‘Becoming A Titus 2 Mother’ by Ella Rose. It’ll help you discover the value of motherhood through a biblical lense and biblical truth. It goes deep into the nature of the ideal woman that Paul describes in Titus 2, and why mothers specifically need to carry out those characteristics. I highly recommend.”


"As a woman and a mother, reading through this book has truly been a blessing. It not only educates mothers but also offers insights for fathers. In fact, it serves as an inclusive guide to fostering a proper family life."




I am Ella Rose, author of 'Becoming a Titus 2 Mother' and host of the Hey Beautiful Mama Podcast and The Joy of Sunflowers Podcast.


I married my high-school sweetheart 9+ years ago (we've been together 14+ years) and have 4 living children and 2 in heaven. Growing up I was very much a part of society and what the culture of the world taught me to be. I towed the line, I did what I was told and I never ventured away from what was expected but then I fell pregnant, everything changed. Becoming a mother had me diligently researching to make sure I was doing the best things for my child's health and overall well-being. I though that this was to be the biggest change in my life but the greatest change has come steadily through multiple events in life; coming to faith, dealing with 2020, going through pregnancy loss, moving to an off-grid homestead, hosting a podcast and interviewing over 100 men and women. 


When I began writing this book, I hadn’t planned to publish it. I was writing because I wanted to explore, investigate, and learn everything I could about being a godly woman. I wanted to get to know God, read His word, and gain a better understanding of Christ. I searched for how to be a Christian woman, and I kept hearing about the Titus 2 Woman. At first, I was confused. I didn’t know, nor had I read the book of Titus. So, when I realized it was in the Word, I opened up my Bible and began to read. I was convinced that this was the woman I needed to find. I searched in my life, but everyone around me was either a babe in Christ or still had young children at home. I began to long for this much older woman in the faith with the attributes described by Paul. I started to write and study about the Titus 2 woman described by Paul. I became convicted, determined to try and take on these characteristics and learn to be this woman, for myself and for my daughter. This book developed into a call for us to start taking on the Titus 2 Woman traits now, because frankly, many of us don’t have these women around for us to look to. We are the model for our daughters, and I felt that she needed me to go on this quest too. This journey has transformed me and my mothering; it has changed my marriage and my outlook on life so much that I felt I ought to share what I have learned with you...

Who is This Book  For?

Who is it Especially  For?

  • You're wanting to know how to be a Christian Mother and Woman.

  • You're feeling underappreciated and overwhelmed by daily duties.
  • You're wanting to explore scripture in relation to motherhood.
  • You're wanting to reject the social culture and rhetoric of motherhood.

  • You're wanting to equip your children to be lights in the world

  • You're wanting to cultivate more loving relationships with your children, husband, friends, and family.

Who is it Not  For?

  • You're not a mom.

  • You're not wanting to explore scripture or grow in faith.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this for christians only?

Yes. This book is for all Christian mothers, though we have had non-Christians read it with good feedback, it is likely that non-Christians will take offense due to some of the themes and ideas of the book.

What makes this different from other Christian living books?

1. My unique experience, of coming from an Atheist household and growing up as part of the world before coming to faith, has given me a unique nuanced outlook on non-religious, religious and Christian people. I have written these revelations inside this book.

2. My husband edited this book, there isn't anything that he doesn't agree with within these pages. He and I worked together to sculpt the final result that is 'Becoming a Titus 2 Mother' His leadership and edits have made this book what is.

3. My husband and I were very diligent and studious in making sure we were using all passages from scripture in context. We spent many hours and days reading full books front to back in the bible to be sure of this.

3. I don't shy away from issues in culture. As a Christian I believe we are to use the brain God has given us and be diligent in study and shine light on the dark; we should of course do theses things with love and we should also aim to edify, we must also know when to be discreet.

4. This book has had my account terminated from Amazon and my book effectively banned from the Amazon platform. Whether this is to do with the point above I am unsure.

5. This is published through Truth Be Told Publishing which is my own publishing house, this gives me the unique ability to have 100% power over the content and way we choose to distribute the title.

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